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Cuxhaven - right in the middle of the World Heritage Site!

With the watt wagon . . .

... ... being driven across the seabed is almost a "must" for every holiday guest in Cuxhaven.

Enjoy the ride on the high-legged watt wagon and the unique landscape of the Mudflat Sea. Such an excursion takes about four hours and includes a one-hour stay on Neuwerk. The following is a list of providers where you can book your wadden car ride. We recommend booking and reserving a place in good time, especially during the high season.

watt wagon company

ProviderPhoneSpa part
Brütt, Jan0 4721/4 81 39DUHNEN
Bunde0 4721/66 34 54DÖSE
Fischer0 4721/2 87 70ISLAND NEUWERK
Jib0 4721/20 10 93SAHLENBURG
Griebel0 4721/2 90 76ISLAND NEUWERK
Kamp0 4721/2 98 04SAHLENBURG
(via Christiansen)
0 4721 / 43 11 - 0DUHNEN
(via Peter Mendikowski)
0 4721/43 62 04 or 0151/58 53 77 74DÖSE
Stelling0 4721/2 97 26HOLTE-SPANGEN
Strohsahl0 4721/4 77 66DUHNEN
Werner Fock0 4721/2 90 43ISLAND NEUWERK
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