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The more guests pay their spa contribution (until the end of 2017) or guest contribution (since 01.01.2018) or beach entrance fee, the more financial resources are available for guest facilities and guest services.
Cuxhaven is a state-recognised North Sea spa. This distinction is only awarded to tourist resorts that have suitable conditions due to their climatic conditions, natural features, spa and leisure facilities. Since 1st of January 2010, the guest contribution has been collected by the landlords. Children and young people up to the age of 16 are exempt from the guest contribution. Day guests pay their fee when accessing the beach to the guest attendants of the Nordseeheilbad Cuxhaven GmbH.
What is it good for? What is done with it? The guest contribution is a financial contribution for the construction, maintenance and operation of tourism facilities and services for our guests, e.g. the restoration of beaches after the storm season, the tidal flat rescue service and the operation of the tourist baths as well as the organisation of guest events, etc.
As a guest in our North Sea spa Cuxhaven, you pay your contribution for these expenses. For financial reasons, the town of Cuxhaven cannot do without this income. You and its citizens additionally contribute a considerable share so that we can present you with the holiday offer you desire. Every euro of your guest contribution therefore benefits you again.
You will find further information in this brochure.
Here you will find the valid guest contribution statutes.
Free access to the beaches, free maritime events, reduced admission to swimming pools, museums and theatres: the spa card (until 31.12.2017) or guest card (from 01.01.2018) in the North Sea spa Cuxhaven offers many advantages. Until now, these were only valid locally. Since the 2015 season, the spa card purchased with the spa fee (until 31.12.2017) or guest card purchased with the guest fee (from 01.01.2018) is also valid in four other municipalities in Cuxland. In addition to the North Sea spa of Cuxhaven, the North Sea spa of Otterndorf, the resort of Wingst, the mud spa of Bad Bederkesa and the Wurster North Sea coast mutually recognise their spa card or guest card and thus grant numerous other benefits for holidaymakers in Cuxland.
A visit to the brine spa in Otterndorf or the moor bath in Bad Bederkesa, to the Natureum Niederelbe nature and open-air museum, in Wingst or to the dyke museum in Land Wursten: With their spa card or guest card, holidaymakers in the North Sea spa of Cuxhaven can now also use many attractive facilities in the neighbouring tourist communities at reduced rates. And there are also some innovations in the North Sea spa of Cuxhaven: In addition to free participation in beach gymnastics, concert and theatre events, sports tournaments, family event days, guided mudflat walks, there are now further reductions. For example, visits to the Ringelnatz Museum or the lightship Elbe 1 can be made cheaper with the spa card or guest card.